About Me


Scott Harben is a visual story teller. He creates images, whether moving or still, digital or paint that evoke emotion, thought and most importantly, entertain. Scott has had the great fortune of collaborating with Iconic brands, has worked on amazing characters and has found himself involved with great ideas. What he loves about those he has worked with is their constant focus on pushing the work. It’s inspiring and keeps his mind fresh. 

Although it’s the work that always drives him, it's the people he's fortunate enough to work with that motivates his vision. 

"And for us, setting out over the unknown country, there would be those austere and breathtaking moments when, looking down on inaccessible territory, one realizes that no one has seen that spot before...our route was new, the air untraveled, the conditions unknown; the stories mythical; the maps, pale, pink and indefinite...

-Anne Morrow Lindbergh

North to the Orient, 1935